{calm before the storm-daddy's home}

mommy took me to see daddy while he was in the state (before he got to come home)
this is me chillin while my driver takes me to see my daddy for the first time in weeks

since daddy still had to stay out of town before he got to come home, mommy and I stayed in the hotel with him
 I found the perfect playing spot...
but daddy didn't agree

while daddy is home, a very special day happened....mommy & daddy's anniversary
because mommy & daddy love me so much they took me out for their anniversary
this is how good i looked when they took me out
 yeah, i look good, I'm kind of a big deal
unless i'm throwing a terrible-two's fit


{while daddy's away training-Marshall-pie is playing}

daddy is training right now, so here's what I am doing...

 riding Wildfire around grandma & grandpas!
begging grandma to take me out to the pasture to chase the goats
watching Toy Story

 watching more Toy Story with my daddy before I go to bed

sleeping with daddy & bear
 taking daddy with my to get the mail
 running the trail with mommy, making sure she doesn't stop

 just a-swingin'
 sending daddy a picture of mommy & me

i am so excited, my daddy comes home from training for a couple of weeks before leaving again for more training.  but i can't wait to see my daddy!  there are so many things that we're going to do when he gets home!



Before my daddy left, my mommy went online and made a special request to have a daddy doll made of my daddy for me.  I waited several weeks and daddy had already left, then today when mommy and I came home from shopping, waiting there by the garage was a package for me.

Mommy brought the package inside and let me tear into it-just like my birthday and Christmas!  It was SO much fun!

Once I had the box open, and discovered there was something inside, guess what I pulled out??

I am so excited to get my daddy doll-I now get to sleep with my daddy, I get to hear his voice whenever I want, and he gets to go everywhere with me - even though my daddy is thousands of miles away from me. 

i love you daddy